The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust

Thursday, May 19, 2011 by: aramboy

Even in this age of hyperbole, the story was beyond beliefs; the biggest Ponzi scheme in history that lasted for decades and stretched around the globe. It sneered some of the richest, wisest and most respected people in the world.

Diana B. Henriques, the author of this book, is a senior financial writer for The New York Times. She is the first reporter who met with Bernie Madoff face to face in prison.

This book reveals the inside story of Bernie Madoff and his $65 billion Ponzi scheme, with surprising and shocking new details from Madoff himself. The Ponzi scheme that was different in that Bernie Madoff appealed to people's fear more than their greed. How did it work? And why did it work?

See Used and New Offers of The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust on Amazon.